Mater Dei Country Fair 2017

Last weekend, Mater Dei Special Needs School opened it’s doors to characters from the Star Wars universe.

Mater Dei, based in Camden,  provides therapy, education and care to children and young people with intellectual disabilities. In October each year, the school holds a country fair bustling with market stalls, rides, raffles, an animal nursery and more.

Photo credit: Deborah Chick

The 501st Legion were joined by the Rebel Legion and the R2 Builders. Characters included Darth Vader and his grandson Kylo Ren, a Stormtrooper and Shoretrooper, the bounty hunter Boba Fett, R2-D2 and friends, Princess Leia and Ahsoka Tano.

"Lots of photos were taken with us as always, moms dads and kids alike enjoyed our presence", said Andy Price of the day.

Splitting into groups to cover more ground, the characters made their way around the venue. They visited the animal nursery, rides and spending time with the astromech droids.

Photo credit: Deborah Chick

"This troop was great! So many smiles, laughter and fun had by all," mentioned Jason Feldner.

Photo credit: Deborah Chick

"We had some familiar faces come straight up to us and say hi which was awesome, and seeing their progress year and year is great", Andy reflected.

The day ended with a photo opportunity in the stage area, which quickly turned into dancing and singing from some Disney Princesses that were in attendance.