Jedi Padawan Fred finds R2-D2 and BB-8

Young Jedi Padawan Fred, escorted by his faithful Jedi Master embarks on a daring mission to a secret underground location to search for droids R2-D2 and BB-8.

The Southern Cross Garrison were honoured to participate in turning Fred's Make a Wish dream into a reality. He wanted to play with R2-D2 and BB-8 in a galaxy far, far away.

central station
Photo credit: Brigette Green

Fred and his entourage arrived at Sydney's Clyde Station, accompanied by Jedi Master Yeshua who used a mind trick on the waiting Stormtroopers and Boba Fett to coax them into providing safe passage during their mission.

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Photo credit: Paul Vezgoff

After an exciting journey through hyperspace, their transport arrived at Central Station, where numerous photos were taken with family and friends, before the Stormtroopers lead the group underground to explore several planets in the search for the famous droids.

Fred was greeted by R2-D2 and Princess Leia in the subterranian tunnel and was shortly led to his first destination, the Death Star, where he met friend-for-the-day Darth Vader and his Imperial escort. With BB-8 unable to be found on the space station, the group moved on.

Photo credit: Brigette Green

The next location was the desert world of Tattooine. His arrival was heralded by an incredible "RRRRAAAAAAAWWWWAAARRRH!" from the mighty Wookiee, Chewbacca. Fred exclaimed "Chewie!" and rushed over for a hug.

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Photo credit: Adam Skidmore

With no sign of the elusive BB-8, Fred travelled to the forest moon of Endor and discovered some Biker Scouts guarding a Speeder Bike. A quick search through the native flora and trees revealed nothing, so they pushed on.

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Photo credit: Adam Skidmore

Padawan Fred and Jedi Master Yeshua, accompanied by Princess Leia and R2-D2, arrived at their last destination on the junkyard world of Jakku where they finally located BB-8. Cheers were heard across the galaxy.

Fred ran back to the start exclaiming that he'd found BB-8 and inviting his friends and family to join in celebration and visit the worlds he had discovered, after some refreshments and a Star Wars themed cake.

jedi fred
Photo credit: Brigette Green

A myriad of photos were taken with Fred's guests, along with the staff of Make a Wish and Sydney Trains.

The event concluded with an award ceremony where Fred and his sister April were honoured by Princess Leia and gifted bravery awards from the Rebel Alliance. Fred and guests departed shortly after to many cheers and travelled back through hyperspace to Clyde Station.