Imperial Forces descend upon Canberra for GammaCon

Last weekend troopers from the Southern Cross Garrison and the Rebel Legion participated in GammaCon, Canberra’s premier pop-culture festival.

princess leia
Photo credit: Deborah Chick

The 501st and Rebel Legion booth provided a selection of Star Wars helmets for festival attendees to admire, along with numerous members dressed in full costume.

"There was a continual steady stream of attendees across the day many stopping to have a chat and take a photo!! And able to witness us in all our bad guy glory!!" said Brigette Green, who spent some of the weekend dressed as Mara Jade and the rest as a fairytale princess.

The group took turns patrolling the convention floor, much to the delight of the many fans that took the opportunity to meet their favourite characters, including Princess Leia accompanied by an astromech droid, Boba Fett, Shoretroopers from Scariff, a Shadowtrooper and more.

Photo credit: Deborah Chick

Troopers spoke highly of the event and look forward to a return visit next year.