Christmas visit to John Hunter Children's Hospital

On December 6, the 501st and Rebel Legions had the honor of attending the John Hunter Children's Hospital Christmas Party. Our troopers visited kids across multiple wards and brought cheer to the hospital during the festive season.

Christmas 2022 visit to John Hunter Children's Hospital
Christmas 2022 visit to John Hunter Children's Hospital
Photo credit: Suzanne Hempsall

Our visit was part of the hospital's 12 days of Christmas festivities and was a huge success - our troopers were thrilled to be a part of it. The children's faces lit up as they saw their favourite iconic Star Wars characters in real life. We posed for photos, handed out party bags filled with goodies to the kids, and it was a pleasure to give both parents and children a distraction during their hospital stay.

The 501st and Rebel Legions are global organisations of Star Wars fans who are dedicated to bringing the magic of Star Wars to fans of all ages. We are always looking for opportunities to give back to our communities and make a positive impact, and the John Hunter Children's Hospital Christmas Party was a perfect opportunity for us to do just that.

We are grateful to the hospital staff for inviting us to participate in this special event, and we look forward to the opportunity to visit again in the future.